Turkey Spats

Every Thanksgiving morning, my husband and I prepare the turkey for the oven. This year he asked for a 20+ pounder for plenty of leftovers.

Steve does all the heavy work with cleaning out the cavity, seasoning, stuffing and massaging it with oil.  I provide him all the supplies necessary and I don’t know why, but I always find it necessary to tell him not to stuff the poor thing too tightly!

Once it’s cleaned and stuffed, then comes the trussing with the pins. My hubby is an expert at this, which is why I allow him to do it. Ha! Of course, I find something wrong with his precise process of fastening this bird up like Fort Knox. I mean, WHY does it need to be so tight? 

The oil and seasoning is a step not to miss either. I supply the paper towels to dry the bird, and handfuls of oil to Steve to massage all over the body. Poultry seasoning must be overly sprinkled on the skin also.  Why so MUCH?

The next step is the tent of foil.  This bad boy is cleaned, stuffed, massaged, trussed & tented  TIGHTLY.  Steve clamps down the edges of the foil around the roasting pan like a pro.

Today, we discussed all the criticism coming out of my mouth. We had to agree we don’t fight, we just discuss how tight everything is.  Even with all the discussions, we’ve got it down to a 30 minute well-oiled system. I told him; “if there comes a time when we can’t do this together, know I am with you anyway.” He agreed.








Fritatta Sunday

I made a nice frittata today with bacon bits, chopped onion, steamed broccoli, sliced mushroom, and 4 oz. shredded monterey jack.  And of course the main ingredient-eggs!  Here’s how I did it.  In my large fry pan I put approx. 1 cup of bacon bits to sizzle on a low flame, added a small chopped onion to soften a little.  In the meantime, I cracked 9 eggs, peppered them and beat them with a fork. (Poor eggs!!)  The bacon and onion needed a little more liquid, so rather than add more fat, I tipped in a little of the steaming water from the broccoli.  Once the onion got a little translucent, I added the eggs, scattered the broccoli and mushroom over the egg and kind of tucked them into the eggy pool to distribute evenly.   Still on a LOW flame, I sprinkled the whole top with the shredded cheese, put on the cover and let it cook, slowly!  Resist the urge to rush cooking this thick pizza-like dish!  When the eggs are almost set, still a little runny on the top only, I put the pan under the broiler on low for a few minutes to finish the cooking process, and to brown the top slightly.    Slice into wedges and serve with toast or muffins & fruit salad.  Very nice with champagne or mimosa’s for a grown-up celebration brunch too!