To the Glory be

When I was a little girl, my Mom taught me to pray each night before bed. The very last prayer was the “Glory be” to be said as you make the sign of the cross. It goes like this; Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. 

That was a long prayer to memorize. I always got stuck on the part; ‘is now and ever shall be’.  It just wasn’t the way we spoke. Even now I pause on that part of the prayer;

Is now and ever shall be…

There was something ominous about the statement; ‘world without end’.  I asked her if the world was going to end. I overheard my older brothers talking about the end of the world in relation to a movie, “The War of the Worlds”.  She told me the world was not going to end, and we would live with God forever and ever in Heaven. So comforting.

I now feel very secure in the words; ‘World without end’. It’s a fitting end to the prayer too. Here is a picture of my family surrounding my beautiful Mama.



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